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If You’re Not Automating, You’re Already Behind

If you’re like many of the tech leaders we work with, you know you can’t build a strong cybersecurity framework without the capacity to quickly — even proactively — identify and reverse engineer malware. And if you’re not automating, you’re already behind. It’s time to solve problems before malware wreaks havoc in your networks.

Reverse Engineering Then and Now: A Changing Cybersecurity Climate

Although reverse engineering malware has been around for decades, the process has evolved alongside new, complex problems. The hackers of the ‘90s had nothing on the hackers of today. Today’s cybercriminals are using malware that’s increasingly more complex — designed to evade detection and outsmart the methods and tools that have worked in the past.

Reversing the work of today’s hackers requires smart automated programs to disassemble software without source codes or signatures — so you can quickly discover what the malware does and which systems it affects, even when it’s previously unknown, disguised, or lying dormant.

Automating Reverse Engineering — How CodeHunter Works

Before advanced automated solutions, the time-consuming process of identifying the problem and reverse engineering — observation, disassembly, and de-formulation — was carried out manually by engineers, delaying solutions while malware wreaks havoc in the network.

CodeHunter’s automated platform empowers your team to identify and reverse engineer all types of malware — known and unknown — faster than ever before. We use a patented approach to behavior computation and binary analysis to find malware in executable files without the need for source code or signatures. We don’t just search networks to discover malware, we detect malware that may have been lying dormant — reducing possible damage to your data, systems, and entire operation.
